Zhejiang RAP Intelligent Vehicle Co., Ltd

RAPSEV 出席全球小邮政和岛屿国家地区邮政论坛(网络视频方式)


The international smallpost and island post organization consists of more than 10 countries along theMediterranean coast and a number of important island countries. It holds forumsevery year to help solve the special postal and logistics problems faced bysome small countries and island countries in the world.

   2020年11月25日北京时间20:00(格林威治时间13:00)。RAPSEV出席了由国际万国邮政联盟和英国parcel and postal technology举办并主持的全球小邮政和岛屿国家地区邮政论坛(网络视频方式),此次论坛RAPSEV是唯一受邀的专业服务于物流和邮政的车辆企业。会议期间来自多个国家的邮政负责人分享了本国邮政和物流行业在疫情期间所经受的冲击和影响,疫情期间陡增的线上消费与锐减的线下消费比较,使得多数与会者在积极寻求转型以应对新的消费模式所带来的冲击,电子商务、电子支付、蜂巢应用、最后一英里快速交付、揽收等成为热点话题,同时对“后疫情时代”的邮政和物流模式改革也进行了深度的讨论和思考,与会者大多认为“后疫情时代”非接触式的消费模式可能形成常态,如何实现高效的最后一英里邮政物流揽派就成为了备受大家关注的场景要素之一。论坛期间RAPSEV就参与欧洲和其它国家地区解决最后一英里包裹信函揽派服务经验与参会者进行了分享,并与多国邮政建立了商务对接关系。

20:00 Beijing time onNovember 25, 2020 (13:00 CET), RAP SEV attended the Small Posts and Islands PostalForum (via online video) organized by the international universal postal unionand British parcel and postal technology. RAP SEV is the only vehicleenterprise invited to provide professional services for logistics and postalservices. During the meeting, postal officials from many countries shared theimpact on their postal and logistics industries during the epidemic period.Comparing the dramatic increase in online consumption and the decrease inoffline consumption during the epidemic period, most participants have been activelyseeking transformation to cope with the impact of the new consumption mode. E-commerce,electronic payment, honeycomb application, and rapid delivery and collection forlast mile have become hot topics. At the same time, the reform of postal and logisticsmode in the "post epidemic era" has also been deeply discussed andconsidered. Most participants believed that the non-contact consumption mode inthe "post epidemic era" may become a normal. How to realize theefficient last mile postal logistics dispatch has become one of the mostconcerned points. During the forum, RAP SEV shared its experience in solvingthe last mile problem for package and letter services in European and othercountries and regions. At last, it established business contacting relationshipwith several national posts.




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