Zhejiang RAP Intelligent Vehicle Co., Ltd

勇者远征(Brave Expedition)


        More than 2,000years ago, the industrious and brave Chinese people used wisdom, courage andsweat to open up the humanities and trade exchange channels connecting thevarious civilizations of Asia, Europe and Africa, and together with the peoplealong the line, they created a brilliant ancient Silk Road. For thousands ofyears, the spirit of silk road of "peaceful cooperation, openness andtolerance, learning and meriting from each other,mutual benefit and win-win situation" has been deeply integrated into thesoul and blood of the Chinese nation and has become an important support forChina's participation in global political, economic and cultural exchanges.



        In the new historical period, President Xi Jinping accurately grasped the profound trend of deepening adjustment of the international order and the deepening of global economic integration, proposed a major initiative to jointly build the "Silk Road Economic Belt" and the "Marine Silk Road in the 21st Century"from the strategic stance,has received great attention 



        At the beginning of ourcompany, we actively participated in the construction team of “Silk RoadEconomic Belt” and “21st Century Maritime Silk Road”.In the field of regionallogistics in new cities, China-style solutions for the last mile delivery ofe-commerce logistics in the 21st century will be gradually integrated with themarkets of other countries. After 18 months of hard work, BANGE ( last mile deliverysolution for logistics, express etc.), OAK (professional express, mail, food deliverysolution). It has appeared in more than ten countries and regions such asGermany, France, the Netherlands, Spain, South Korea, Australia and NewZealand. The logistics performance of BANGE&OAK in the new urban living sectorhas been highly praised by the partners of various countries. Our company willcontinue to focus on market segmentation and develop customized, intelligentand personalized products for our partners to meet their own development needs.



BANGE在韩国(BANGE in South Korea)



BANGE交付给德国客户(BANGE delivered to German customers7.jpg

BANGE&OAK发往澳大利亚(BANGE&OAK shipped to Australia)


BANGE发往西班牙(BANGE shipped to Spain)


BANGE在西班牙马德里街头(BANGE driving on the streets of Madrid, Spain)



BANGE发往意大利(BANGE shipped to Italy)


BANGE&OAK 在马来西亚参展(BANGE&OAK exhibits in Malaysia)



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